Best 10 User Journey Templates for Product Development Managers

10 Vorlagen

User Journey mapping is a method for product development managers to understand and improve customer experiences. By visualizing the steps customers take to interact with a product, managers can spot friction points and opportunities for improvement. A User Journey template in Notion simplifies this process, providing a structured framework that highlights customer interactions, feelings, and pain points, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Before you start creating your own User Journey template, examine these User Journey templates to streamline the process and enhance user experience design effortlessly.

1. User Persona Dashboard & Profile Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Persona Dashboard & Profile Template

Seamlessly capture user research, visualize your typical customer, and craft impactful products that leave a lasting impression. Experience the joy of bringing your ideas to life and creating real impact with this user-friendly and enjoyable template. This template helps UX / Product designers who need to create user personas quickly and efficiently, Product managers who want to better understand their target audience, CEOs / Entrepreneurs who need to identify their ideal customer and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

2. Website Conversion Rate Optimization Toolkit

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Website Conversion Rate Optimization Toolkit

If you're struggling to increase your website's conversion rate, this toolkit will help you learn about what conversion rate optimization (CRO) is and how to put it into practice. The toolkit explores common barriers to conversion and tools that can help you better understand what your visitors do on your website. Once you've uncovered possible conversion blockers, we've put together some A/B testing and multivariate testing ideas for you to try out.

3. Critical thinking in UX

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Critical thinking in UX

Unlock the power of critical thinking with my comprehensive Notion template designed specifically for the dynamic world of UX design. This meticulously crafted template serves as a roadmap to guide you through each stage of the design process, seamlessly integrating critical thinking principles.

Navigate through well-defined sections that prompt thoughtful analysis and decision-making. From problem identification to solution implementation, the template encourages a systematic approach, fostering a deeper understanding of user needs and challenges.

4. Advanced and Minimal Expandable Service Blueprint

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Advanced and Minimal Expandable Service Blueprint

Service Blueprints can be overwhelming. This template helps the viewer choose which type of information he wants to focus on by having to choose to open or close different "toggles"

Comes in two flavors 🍦🍧
This expandable service blueprint template comes in two complexity levels. Start with the minimal template or get crazy with the advanced one.

For example, the viewer can focus on the executive summary by showing it, and hide all other information in order to not be overwhelmed by all the details of the Service Blueprint.

5. Topographie des Benutzererlebnisses

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Topographie des Benutzererlebnisses

Unsere Vorlage zur Topographie des Benutzererlebnisses bietet einen detaillierten Ansatz zum Verständnis des Erlebnisses deiner Benutzer/-innen. Die Datenbank ermöglicht es dir, relevante Schritte wie die Aktivierung und das Onboarding nachzuzeichnen, während du Aktionen, Berührungspunkte, Emotionen und mehr verfolgst. Indem du Chancen und Unwägbarkeiten identifizierst, kannst du eine bessere Strategie für die Einbindung deiner Nutzer/-innen entwickeln. Das eingebettete Miro-Board und die Figjam-Datei bieten eine visuelle Darstellung des Benutzererlebnisses, was deinem Team dabei hilft, ein vollständiges Verständnis der Interaktionen deiner Nutzer/-innen mit deinem Produkt oder deiner Dienstleistung zu gewinnen.

6. Advanced Service Blueprint

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Advanced Service Blueprint

This Service Blueprint was created for the very nerdy service designers out there. It gives you pre-built automatic analysis of your template, pre-built blocs as inspirations and everything can be adapted 💪

The template automatically 🤖 sorts the information you add in it to provide you with an analysis. In this analysis you can for example see:

What are the actions taken by every stakeholder or actor 👤
What metrics or user research elements validate the blueprint 📊
What questions and ideas need to be explored further in the next steps ✅

Stakeholder database
One of the system that allows you to have an automated analysis of your service blueprint is the stakeholder database 🤓. With this database you can link actors and stakeholders actions from your blueprint to a same person.

This allows you then to get an overview of all the actions that this stakeholder takes in the service.

Tips and tricks included
New to Notion but feeling nerdy? Cool, I've added a few tips and tricks in the documentation that should help you. I cover there stuff like:

The possibility to have a focus view 👁 of your service blueprint
How to use color coding 🎨 for the different stages of your blueprint
Where to get lovely illustrations ✏️ to pimp your blueprint

7. Stakeholder Walkthrough Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Stakeholder Walkthrough Template

A stakeholder walkthrough brings end-users, the product team, and other stakeholders together to evaluate early prototypes, providing actionable recommendations for improvements and building empathy. Early prototypes can range from flowcharts, and paper prototypes to interactive wireframes.

8. User Journey/Experience Map Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Journey/Experience Map Template

A user experience map is a method of visualizing the entire end-to-end user experience that an average user will go through in order to accomplish a goal. It's product and service-agnostic, so it's used for understanding general human behavior in a larger context.

9. User Persona Template

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für User Persona Template

This Notion template is designed to help businesses identify their user personas by guiding them through the process of defining their target audience's characteristics, such as demographics, goals, pain points, and behaviors. It provides a structured framework that enables businesses to create accurate and detailed user personas, which can inform their product development, marketing, and customer service strategies.

10. Customer Onboarding Process Flow

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Customer Onboarding Process Flow

Map out and plan your customer's onboarding journey using this linked Notion workspace to think through every step. From pain points to personas, key milestones and more.


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Vorlagenbild für Sammlung Best 10 User Journey Templates for Product Development Managers
Vorlagenbild für Sammlung Best 10 User Journey Templates for Product Development Managers

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